Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gray, it's the new beige!

So I have promised my daughter for quite some time that we would paint her room.  I felt bad once we got everything out of her room, that's when I saw how awful the walls where.  She had white walls, and when we started moving stuff out I was like....goodness these walls are durr-tay.  Everything from stratches, foot prints, handprints to spills where on them walls.

She really like the gray/yellow color combo so that's what we went with.  I am happy to say her walls are a beautiful soft gray and it looks great.  And now that the walls are looking snazzy we now need to paint the furniture and the trim.  We are going to repaint the trim and furniture white.  Then throw in some yellow decor.  I hope to have a finished reveal soon here on the blog, so please stop back by soon.

Here's the walls....'s the new beige.

1 comment:

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I do love a soft gray color on walls, and this looks great! Can't wait to see the whole reveal :)